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Policy on the Protection of Personal Information

■For outside EU district
In providing our products and services to our customers, we will acquire personal information necessary for business execution. In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, we accept requests for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, notification of purpose of use, etc.
For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us at the following.

1-9-5 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022
Nichibo Co., Ltd. Personal Information Inquiry Desk
TEL 03-3444-6241 Mail info@nitibou.co.jp

NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd., which processes the personal data of individuals in the European Union, in either the role of ‘data controller’ or ‘data processor’, has appointed DataRep as its Data Protection Representative for the purposes of GDPR*.

If NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd. has processed or is processing your personal data, you may be entitled to exercise your rights under GDPR in respect of that personal data. For more details on the rights you have in respect of your personal data, please refer to the European Commission(https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/data-protection-eu_en) or the national Data Protection Authority in your country.

NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd. takes the protection of personal data seriously, and has appointed DataRep as their Data Protection Representative in the European Union so that you can contact them directly in your home country. DataRep has locations in each of the 27 EU countries and the UK, so that NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd.’s customers can always raise the questions they want with them.

If you want to raise a question to NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd., or otherwise exercise your rights in respect of your personal data, you may do so by:

  • sending an email to DataRep at datarequest@datarep.com quoting <NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd.> in the subject line,
  • contacting us on our online webform at www.datarep.com/data-request, or
  • mailing your inquiry to DataRep at the most convenient of the addresses in the subsequent pages.

PLEASE NOTE: when mailing inquiries, it is ESSENTIAL that you mark your letters for ‘DataRep’and not ‘NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd.’, or your inquiry may not reach us. Please refer clearly to NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd. in your correspondence. On receiving your correspondence, NICHIBOU Co.,Ltd. is likely to request evidence of your identity, to ensure your personal data and information connected with it is not provided to anyone other than you.

If you have any concerns over how DataRep will handle the personal data we will require to undertake our services, please refer to our privacy notice at www.datarep.com/privacy-policy.

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